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    So it’s farewell to City Opera. I don’t think there are larger conclusions, though, to be drawn from this story. Of course New York can support more than one opera company: the Gotham Chamber Opera, for example, appears to be thriving doing just the kind of thing -- unusual repertory and co-productions in different venues -- to which City Opera, in its death throes, aspired. In any case, the City Opera we all loved basically stopped existing around the time of the company’s year-long hiatus; there were some good performances in the Steel era, but that doesn’t in itself make a company. City Opera in its heyday was a cradle for young artists, interesting productions, American work, but also a lot of B-list stuff; the mixture of good and bad that gives a company texture. I grew up going to City Opera -- I feel as if I saw “Merry Widow” a dozen times there, though memory is overgenerous -- and I have a pang thinking of the days of Beverly Sills and Frank Corsaro and Julius Rudel (who has expressed his sadness at outliving “his” company). I am wistful that its leadership was so bungled. But many have already predicted that some other opera company may arise from the ashes, as soon as the current board and management are conveniently cleared away. Indeed, the musicians’ union has already issued a statement declaring the orchestra’s willingness to remain together “should the opportunity arise.” This closure could actually clear the way for the next chapter.
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    I'm in a band amoxicilline metronidazole posologie Most celebrity photographers yearn to catch a star at their most defenceless but Sarah tends to think of them as friends. A couple of years ago, Tracy told me, Sarah saw an up-and-coming actress fall down drunk in a restaurant. She picked her up, helped her into a lavatory and reapplied her make-up before asking the paparazzi to delete the photos and video footage they took of her collapse. She helped exonerate Lindsay Lohan after a hookah-bar manager claimed that the troubled star drove over his foot. (Sarah saw the whole thing.) She made it a point to post flattering images of Demi Lovato when the young singer and actress went to rehab for bulimia and self-mutilation in 2010. (Sarah says that when she subsequently ran into Lovato’s mother, the woman threw her arms around her and later took her to dinner.) About a year ago Sarah began casually dating Angus T Jones, who reportedly earned $300,000 an episode playing Jon Cryer’s son on Two and a Half Men. So far it hasn’t affected her hobby. ‘He loves what I do,’ she says. ‘He gets very jealous of some of the people I meet. Like when I told him I met Skrillex [an American singer-songwriter] he couldn’t even talk.’ (Though Jones declined to be interviewed for this article, a representative says they are just friends.)
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