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    How many weeks' holiday a year are there? effexor 375 mg for anxiety It was pinning down those underlying truths about ageing that made The Golden Girls such a hit back in the Eighties (and the lack of them that makes the current US hit comedy Hot in Cleveland such a turkey, despite former Golden Girl Betty White’s presence). The Nineties were an even better time for mature comedy, with oldies, or at least olders, a regular focus in the likes of the viciously perceptive Waiting for God; and, to my mind, never bettered on this theme As Time Goes By, in which Geoffrey Palmer and Judi Dench played a couple reunited late in life. Writer Bob Larbey really understood that it was precisely Jean and Lionel Hardcastle’s maturity that enabled then to look at the absurdities of life with a comically jaundiced eye, and to made us laugh along with them for over a decade.
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  • Carlos on 2022-Apr-29 21:09:16 Carlos said

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    What do you like doing in your spare time? coming off effexor xr 37.5 mg In contrast to the above.Hillingdon hospital in London which is sinking ever deeper in debt.Appointed a Matron who on appointment :-Changed the nursing uniforms - only two years after they had been changed - a total wast of funds & not forgetting that the nurses had to pay for 2 out of 5 setts.Gave strict instructions that ALL paperwork will be completed - EVEN at the expense of patient care !!!!!That at a time when a ward has equipment not fit for purpose making nursing problematic and wasting nurses time.Then she goes and spends about £350 each on fans - hey you are in debt.Now she has at a stroke canceled all approved annual leave for this year for nursing staff !!!!She then rescheduled all leave - take it or leave it. This is playing havoc with staff who had already made arrangements.Then two patients were transferred from intensive care requiring 1 to 1 nursing [not for the first time]A nurse demanded more staff, money and equipment and was FORCED to take 6 months sick leave - in other words disciplined for caring for the patients well-being.Now several nurses have been suspended pending an inquiry - all because they voiced support of that nurses action.Which planet did this Matron come from ? I suspect the same as the senior managers above her who are in support of her.Is there any wonder this hospital is in debt - clearly they are incapable of managing.One sister has already left to work at a checkout in a supermarket, as she was so disgusted at what she was being expect to do. She said this is not what I was trained to do.I challenge Mr Hunt & Lamb to :-One respond to my emails Two go to Hillingdon hospital and work there and I will join them.
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    This site is crazy :) provera pastillas como tomarlas Fiction has a unique power to communicate alternative world views – I first learned feminism from Buffy while I was still in a Christian fundamentalist church. But we still consume stories in a patriarchal context that shapes how we think about gendered people, real or made up. I’m sick of kung-fu moves counting as characterization for fictional women, too. I want more. And I think there’s still work to do to move towards a paradigm where female characters can be read as complex and multidimensional while we’re dealing with the context of globalized, racialized patriarchy.
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    I have my own business tretinoin hypertrophic scars There has been some warming of the atmosphere. The question to be answered is if any of that warming is absolutely attributable to human activities. It may well be the changes are just part of normal cycles. It has not been verified or documented beyond question that human activity is even able to cause, limit or affect global temperature changes in any way. There is no consensus. There is not sufficient data at this point to accurately say human activity can influence earth climate. At best it is hysterical speculation by Chicken Little and her many advocates.
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    What do you want to do when you've finished? ursodiol patient reviews During his tenure as the speaker, Boehner has never known a time when his caucus has been subdued, willing to let this or that fight slide, or go with the flow in the name of prodding essential policies along. From debt ceiling to food stamps, a coalition of Republicans in the House has clearly established its own agenda, a rallying cry to only do what their conservative constituents back home urge them to no matter the costs. "These folks are not really interested in being part of the team and moving in a direction that benefits the team," says former Rep. Steve LaTourette, R-Ohio, a close ally to Boehner who retired in 2013. "He is like the emperor with no clothes."
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    One moment, please isoptin 80 mg cena 'Scenes from a Marriage' premiered in 1973 as a six-part miniseries on Swedish television, starring Liv Ullmann and Erland Josephson, which was then trimmed down for the cinema. In the year after it was shown, Scandinavian divorce rates doubled, for which this scalding battle of the sexes was directly blamed. The last time Nunn directed it on stage, his leading lady was Imogen Stubbs, to whom he is no longer attached. This must be…odd, for him?
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    How do you do? benzac kit nz Although Rockstar is yet to confirm anything (and it won't until it's good and ready), the rumours come at an interesting time. On Monday, Chris R Silva, director of marketing for Intel's premium notebooks, controversially told PC Gamer: "I don't think it'll be console exclusive very long. But that's what happens when you have a brand new launch with two companies that have lots of money trying to make sure they have content. Somebody paid a lot of money to make sure that title was exclusive."
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    I can't stand football yasmin o yasminelle per acne Twice during the trial, the judge admonished an outspoken Bulger for cursing at witnesses who said he was an informant for the FBI, which ignored his crimes in return for tips about other criminal gangs. Bulger insisted he was not "a rat," but conceded that he did pay FBI agents to give him information.
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    Until August ketoconazole para que sirve He said: “Across the board they have all been really good, so it’s been difficult to pick star baker every week. The people at home have all got their opinions on who they think is good and they will often argue with me and get very emotional about it. But at the end of the day they are wrong, because they don’t taste it, and of course that’s the key thing.”
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    I can't get a dialling tone cataflam pra que serve Let's face it, there's not much to negotiate over, since the Senate and president accepted the House budget number, $986 billion. The only sticking point is Obamacare. Make no mistake, GOP fears surrounding this program is not about its cost or effectiveness, but about how much Americans will love it. Twenty years from now the new tea party will carry signs that read "Keep your government hands off my Obamacare."
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    I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh ivermectina ataca al corazon That’s one of many self-aware and funny lines that pepper the CD. “They should put a few more mirrors in here/so I can stare at myself,” he cracks in “Pound Cake.” “I make mistakes/I’m the second to admit it,” he allows in “Tuscan Leather,” while in “All Me” he compares himself to toilet paper. “I’m on a roll/like Cottonelle.”
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    Wonderfull great site lamictal coupon Nailing down the true cost of the Joint Strike Fighter is a maddening exercise as various stakeholders use different math—along with byzantine acronyms—to arrive at figures that serve their interests. According to the Government Accountability Office (G.A.O.), which is relatively independent, the price tag for each F-35 was supposed to be $81 million when the program began in October 2001. Since that time, the price per plane has basically doubled, to $161 million. Full-rate production of the F-35, which was supposed to start in 2012, will not start until 2019. The Joint Program Office, which oversees the project, disagrees with the G.A.O.’s assessment, arguing that it does not break out the F-35 by variant and does not take into account what they contend is a learning curve that will drive prices down over time. They say a more realistic figure is $120 million a copy, which will go down with each production batch. Critics, like Winslow Wheeler, from the Project on Government Oversight and a longtime G.A.O. official, argue the opposite: “The true cost of the airplane—when you cast aside all the bullshit—is $219 million or more a copy, and that number is likely to go up.”
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  • Daniel on 2022-Jun-19 21:15:05 Daniel said

    I live in London ciprofloxacino y dexametasona oftalmico plm This article is biased in the most short-sighted way. Fraud is rampant and was not kept in check for a very long time. It makes sense to crack down on it hard. Also, centralisation and state control of all operations must be encouraged. It is a long, arduous process, but well worth the payoff if done correctly. It may be slow, but most certainly the system will benefit in the long term, and in theory so could all citizens.
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  • Roger on 2022-Jun-19 22:43:57 Roger said

    Punk not dead abs provera statusa After months of negotiating with Assad's government to let inspectors into Syria, a U.N. team arrived in Damascus four days ago. Their task is to check on the presence, but not the sources, of chemical weapons that are alleged to have been released in three specific, small incidents several months ago.
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    Could I borrow your phone, please? diltiazem hcl er Alarmed by the mixture of euros, pounds and dollars of which I emptied my pockets at the scanner, a security guy murmured something dark about money laundering, and ordered me to surrender passport and boarding card preparatory to an interview with “the BDO” (Behaviour Detection Officer). A bearded chap eventually pitched up, and a polite interrogation about my triple currency outrage ensued until he asked what I do for a living. “I see, sir, and what do you write about?” he inquired. “Oh, insanely officious airport security, restaurants, BDOs, that sort of thing.” The interview rapidly concluded with my release, to the undisguised disappointment of a travelling companion who had set his filial heart on seeing his father led away in cuffs.
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    International directory enquiries cytotech salary As for your response to rukidding, this law was hyped up to save 15 to 18 percent of uninsured people right. Those people were pretty much the college population who decline insurance because mom & dad pay for it, people who cannot afford milk so unless your paying for it and their milk too they are not going to take it, and illegals. So this law is now in place and costing us, oh wait the President and dems came out after forcing the bill through (at the same time there was no budget passed in 2009 & 2010 when both legislative bodies were democratically held) congress and said they have no idea yet how to pay for this monstrocity. Hmmmmmmm. And over the next 3 years the only changes allowed to be made were by the President of exemptions for him, congress of course his union buddies, big business. Wow I think that covers all his contributors. Why would you want a plan that the person who created it doesn't want???????? Like an ex wife cooking you dinner you maybe worried about not surviving.
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    Could you transfer $1000 from my current account to my deposit account? cost of tretinoin cream Rihanna was clearly in a mood to share when she posted two revealing pictures to her Instagram account on Jan. 20, 2013. The 24-year-old singer bared her cleavage in a low-cut tank top in the first shot (l.), and she showed off a sexy behind the scenes look at her new photo shoot in the next (r.). Dressed in a tight white bodysuit, Rihanna put her toned backside and curves on display, saying, "Lights. Camera. Action #alliseeizsignz."
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    I'm a housewife cefpodoxime proxetil uses in tamil But Egypt's image as a welcoming destination suffered again in June, weeks before Mursi's overthrow, when tourism minister Hisham Zaazou tendered his resignation over Mursi's decision to appoint as governor of Luxor a member of a hardline Islamist group blamed for slaughtering 58 tourists there in 1997.
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    What are the hours of work? kirkland minoxidil 5 india price According to Nielsen data, only 156 baking books were published in 2010 – by 2012, there were 258. The queen of television cooks, Delia Smith, jumped on the bandwagon by re-releasing her 1977 book Delia’s Cakes. Meanwhile, Tarek Malouf, Hummingbird Bakery’s managing director, says the brand’s book has sold in excess of one million copies. “I’m sure the renaissance in home baking has played a part in their popularity,” he adds.
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    I love the theatre ibuprofeno solucion pediatrica  The cry analyzer took the research team two years to create. It works through two steps. In the first phase, the analyzer will record the cries and separate them into 12.5 millisecond frames, which will individually be measured for multiple parameters. These parameters involve frequency characteristics, acoustic volume and voicing. After this step, the analyzer weeds out unnecessary parameters from step one to create a better understanding of the cry as a whole after the frames are combined. At the end of both steps, the system has already accounted for 80 different parameters, with each one informing the researchers of possible clues about the infant's health.
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    Languages pdr pharma While analysts expect Telecom Italia to be soon part of amerger wave that is sweeping across the telecoms sector, thecurrent Italian shareholders are looking for an exit strategyfor their loss-making investment in the Italian group. ($1 = 0.7542 euros) (Additional reporting by Robert Hetz in Madrid, Lisa Jucca,Paola Arosio and Danilo Masoni in Milan, Writing by Lisa Jucca;Editing by David Holmes and David Evans)
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    I came here to work amoxicilline 1g dosage A widely-held assessment is that the two countries have become distanced from each other in the past ten years, politically and economically to a point where the couple can be considered no to be together any longer. A Socialist taking power in Paris a year and a half ago, promising to relax budgetary discipline to reboot growth seriously worried Berlin. Relations were stretched, but compromises were found to save the euro.
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    I'm happy very good site is it ok to drink alcohol while taking flucloxacillin The Internet and social media in Kenya, which played a central role in this year's elections by allowing Kenyans to question candidates, took on a new function Tuesday—spreading messages of peace to avert new bloodshed.
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    I need to charge up my phone mirtazapine lyf "Telegraph Hill is a conservation area with a beautiful park at its peak, and incredible views," says Felicity Blair of Roy Brooks. "Many of the houses were constructed by the same builder so they are large and attractively uniform." She believes prices in this hot spot have risen 40 per cent in four years, including 15 per cent in the last year.
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    I'm afraid that number's ex-directory bupropion-neuraxpharm 150 mg There has been much speculation -- and some anecdotal evidence -- that employers are trying to keep their headcount down so they aren't subject to Obamacare rules. But economic uncertainty and a lack of consumer demand are still the predominant reasons why employers are shying away from hiring full-time workers, experts said.
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    I'd like to send this to citrato de tamoxifeno 20mg sandoz MLB is expected to announce the suspensions of about a dozen players, including major and minor leaguers, for 50 games each, which would allow them to return for postseason play. Baseball officials agreed to negotiate lesser bans for most of the players if they agreed not to appeal their bans. Some other players who will be suspended include Jhonny Peralta of the Tigers, Nelson Cruz of the Rangers, Jesus Montero of the Mariners, Cesar Puello of the Mets and Yankee catcher Francisco Cervelli.
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    Have you got any ? furacin merhem fiyat 2019 And while some may find more traditional road races intimidating, the fact that just finishing an obstacle course can be counted as a success makes them somewhat more beginner-friendly, Stewart says. "The majority are the people that get off the couch and do something that's out of their comfort zone, make the decisions to eat better, even to train just a little bit better," he says. "The bottom line is they make a difference in their life and these races provide the goals."
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    It’s a great saying, but it’s not something you’d necessarily repeat over the dinner table.
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    It’s one of my favorite aphorisms because it’s simple but yet powerful.
    We’ve all probably had to learn that the hard way.
    Other Common Examples of Aphorisms
    (I say these words to make me glad),
    As they say, Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
    Practice what you preach.
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    Check it out.
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