 on your new


Hygrometer Calibration
We try to make sure that the hygrometers are all calibrated before they leave us,
 but due to shipping and handling they can get out of calibration. 
Please check the calibration of your hygrometer when you get your new humidor.
These instructions are for hygrometers without the "screw type" adjuster.

(If your hygrometer has a screw in the back to adjust the setting with, do everything the same, but you will not have to disassemble the hygrometer to adjust it, you will just have to use a small flat screwdriver to adjust the screw.)

Put a bottle cap full of table salt damped to the consistency of wet sand (don't let the salt dissolve) in a Ziploc 
bag with the hygrometer. Seal it up and leave it for about 6 hours, make sure you trap some air in the bag. 

It should read 75% humidity. If not you can pop the back off the 
gauge and turn the white disk until it reads 75%. 
Replace the back and your done. It should then be calibrated. It works every time.

Below are more detailed instructions.
Place the hygrometer in a Ziploc bag with a cap of wet salt, the salt should be the consistency of wet sand, don't let the salt dissolve. Make sure you trap some air in the bag. Leave it for 24 hours. It should read 75%. 
If after the hygrometer does not read 75%, then you have to calibrate it. It is not difficult and only requires a small blade screw driver
Flip the hygrometer over look for the small tab on the steel cover, this is where you'll pry the cover off the back.
Carefully insert the blade of the small screwdriver between the tab and the brass cover, then pry the cover off, it does not take much force.
This is how the hygrometer looks with the back off. Inside there are two pieces, one, is a white plastic spacer, the other is the actual hygrometer and dial assembly. 
Remove the pieces and you will now have a total of four pieces. The dial is what we are going to adjust.
On the back of the dial is a metal ring with the hygrometers bimetallic spring in the middle. Being careful not to touch the bimetallic spring, grasp the edges of the metal ring, and with the other hand grasp the edge of the dial. Now carefully turn the white dial until the hand on the dial reads 75% 
Now put it back in the bag and leave it another few hours, and it should read 75%. When you get a reading of 75%, put everything back together, and you will have calibrated your hygrometer. In your humidor it should read 70% as the optimal setting for keeping your cigars. Don't be worried if it sometimes is a little above or below 70% "+ or -" 5% is not a really big deal with a humidor of this size. If the reading gets over 80% you should open your humidor and let is sit for a few hours. If the reading falls below 60% make sure that there is water in the humidifier. 

Please go here for instructions on setting up your humidor.