You bring a practical, cautious yet determined approach to your own affairs which translates to good business practice. SINCE the 4th house falls in the star of Vishakha, owned by Jupiter, the Cancer ascendant borns may hold legally valid properties, educational centres and big organisations, may be land inspectors, manufacturers of goods for temples, food items, silk, cotton and turmeric and may do business in real estates etc. So the Cancer ascendant borns will, face problems in competitive examination centres, suffer more due to severe diseases in hospitals, due to the negligence of nurses and by side-effects of medicines, suffer from allergy through food and dress, acidity tablets, meet with accidents while producing medicines and face allegations in lodges. It is a house ruled by Mars, lord of houses 5th & 10th to Cancer, the Cancer ascendant borns will not hesitate to involve in violent politics, gambling and prostitution: will like martial arts. He is emotional, sympathetic and concerned. This will help him to attain better opportunities in life. Since Libra is a movable sign, the Cancer ascendant borns will improve their machinery, houses, vehicles and promote their lands and academic skills. SINCE the 7th house falls in the star of Uttarashada, ruled by Sun, the Cancer borns will be in public service and work for the development,of people, have spouses with self-pride and may have to serve under rude officers. So the Cancer ascendant born may have to face problems due to doubtful circumstances. This channel will make you a astrologer where you won't need to go to anyone, but you will diagnose your problem yourself because no one has more vested interest in you than you. He will be short-lived, be skilful in buying and selling, be courageous, wealthy, happy and endowed with an excellent female, with robes, garlands and ornaments. However, a love of travel means that it is important to have the means to be able to get up and go. SINCE the 9lh house falls in the star of Uttarabadra, ruled by Saturn, the Cancer ascendant borns will get educated in the fields of science; slow but steady in higher education, Jack needed interest in higher education, involve in seed research and may become laboratory technicians. Mars is the lord of houses 5th & 10th to Cancer. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Pisces Ascendant House Lords, Meen Lagna analysis with their house lords. s in the ninth house to CANCER /KARKA Lagna. He can be stubborn as well. The rising sign and planets disposed in the Navamsa lagna influence these aspects of person in addition to the influences of the Rasi lagna. February 7, 2018 by Shubham Alock. Aquarius Ascendant House Lords, Kumbh Lagna analysis with their house lords. Notes: In the previous pages, effects of various planets ruling the Navamsa ascendants have been given. Cancer Ascendant in D9 chart/Navamsa Chart - Caricature of your Soul- Your complete matrimonial life 4,920 views Jan 30, 2021 172 Dislike Share Save Nipun Joshi 61.7K subscribers. Now on consideration of co-born from Saptamsa. However, their family life would always be in trouble and the relationships between husband and wife would not remain cordial leading to frustrations in life. But the relation of the Moon will lead to acquisition of younger sisters. Rahu is the Dragon's head and when placed in an earthy sign, it brings a lot of stability to one's mindset. SINCE the 11th house falls in the star of Krittika, ruled by Sun, the Cancer ascendant borns can make friendship with popular political leaders and win awards and medals from government. The physical appearance of person with Cancer ascendant sign in horoscope will be of middling height and size, round full face , fair or clear complexion, broad chest, nose snubbed. In a few cases when cuspal interlinks are also indicative, they may become incestuous. So the Cancer ascendant borns may face problems in competitive examination centres, suffer more due to severe diseases in hospitals, due to the negligence of nurses and by side-effects of medicines, suffer from allergy through food and dress, acidity tablets, meet with accidents while producing medicines and face allegations in lodges. Cancer is inimical sign. LEO/SIMHA the fifth ZODIAC sign is in the second house to CANCER /KARKA Lagna. Production with own ideas and self-thoughts, courageous acts, heart, lungs, kidney and other productive organs of the body, functioning of the body, excessive production in the body, independent purchases, increasing of strength, desired actions. Rahu will act like Jupiter, the lord of houses 6th & 9th to Cancer. Native will face loss through fraud, cheating, partnership business, opposite sex, etc. Aquarius is ruled by Saturn. If Moon and Mercury have mutual aspect then there will be gain in life. Capricorn the 10th sign of Kaalpurushais the 7th house to Cancer So the Cancer ascendant borns would be able to do partnership ventures. Healthy relationships need to be formed without guilt or co-dependency. SUN in the 7th House . For more free videos search the Astrology Directory above, See yourself through somebody elses eyes. Now effects of for the various Navamsas 1st to the 9th in the ascendant are discussed. Navamsa chart is a hard chart to read, it is not for the novice. ARIES is ruled by MARShence MARS will be the lord of this house. But, there are some methods that were lost in pop culture astrology known as daily, weekly, monthly and yearly horoscopes. In my channel you will find videos that will never be outdated and will always apply to you alone. Capricorn Ascendant House Lords, Makar Lagna analysis with their house lords. He should take all the necessary measures and preventions to keep his body healthy and active. is in the sixth house to CANCER /KARKA Lagna. how will be the dasa of saturn for a cancer lagna native? If only by malefics, this will not come to pass. When Moon and Mars come together in any sign of Navamsa especially occupies 7thor 8thhouse, this combination gives gynecological problems to womenand blood pressure-related disease to men, especially after marriage. Your Rising Sign shows the way you project yourself, how others see you, and the kind of experiences needed to make your life meaningful. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the lord of 7th & 8th to Cancer. The Moon Ruling Navamsa Ascendant: The physique of one born in Cancer Navamsa will reflect the brilliance of gold. Since Mercury is the lord of this sign which is the lord of houses 3rd & 12th to Cancer, the Cancer ascendant borns may serve as document writers, registrars, clerks, postmen, communication agents, electricity line-men, ambassadors, advertisers, tax collectors, proofreaders, brokers and journalists etc (3rd house). The D9 chart gives you indications of what you should . He will be short-lived, be skilful in buying and selling, be courageous, wealthy, happy and endowed with an excellent female, with robes, garlands and ornaments. Instant live talk forecasts by phone or Skype & no limit on the number of questions! People born with Rahu in Cancer thus struggle to feel emotionally stable. It is a house owned by Jupiter, the ruler of houses of 6, Ketu would act like Mercury. For Aquarius ascendant Jupiter is lord of 2nd and 11th house. It is considered to be an auspicious placement for natives. They might incur expenditures for the cause of social service, have illegal affairs with higher officials, secret interests in voluntary organisations, have secret affairs, undertake secret journeys to foreign countries enter into secret agreements and will have troubles in continuing their higher education. Scorpio is a watery sign. .. could make money through intelligent speech and arguments, writing skills and from profitable information, cheques, secret advances, motivations in earnings and by expressing personal opinions, courageous acts and by changing themselves for the sole purpose of earning money. You will need to acknowledge your sensitivity, accept your desire to nurture and support others, and acknowledge when this sensitivity leads you to take on too much, or become overly responsible for how others feel. So Cancer ascendant borns will have wisdom, faith in religious rituals, undertake renovation works of temples and In higher education, alter religious practices, law and discipline of a country, will be educated in teaching and may become as professors, temple trustees, ambassadors, exporters and national financial controllers. The ascendantendant significations of the 4th house would play a vital role in the determination of the character of the Cancer ascendant borns. They are ruled by the Moon, making them peaceful, kind, romantic, gentle in nature, changeable, and fickle. What are the chances of Narender Modi winning in 2019 Elections, Vedic scriptures in Sanskrit (Devanagari). Saturn is the lord of houses 7th & 8th to Cancer. Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter. Sagittarius is ruled by JUPITER..hence JUPITER will be the lord of this house. 698. canisse bambou hauteur 3m / poule qui la tte qui tourne. LIBRA is ruled by VENUShence VENUS will be the lord of this house. Seventh Navamsa: One born in the 7th Navamsa will be mighty, intelligent, heroic, defeated in a war and be of firm thinking and much enthusiasm. The 5th house significations of Mars would let the Cancer ascendant borns to have children with excessive interest in sexual pleasures; Cancer ascendant borns may not believe in gods. Since Aquarius is a fixed and airy sign, the Cancer ascendant borns will have the mind to face their life full of struggles. Tony Blair who is the UK President; has Taurus ascendant and he has this conjunction in the 9th house, which is one place where Rahu gets stronger. 697. SINCE the 4lh house falls in the star of Swathi, owned by Rahu, the Cancer ascendant borns may get educated in foreign countries, possess government vehicles, live in government quarters, may be imprisoned, may live near prisons or graveyards, may do adulterations and produce banned drugs or spurious goods. With the influence of Moon he can be a bit moody too. Scorpio is a fixed sign. Whether you choose to focus your attention on family of origin or family of choice, a stronger sense of self will come through maintaining close family ties. So the Cancer ascendant borns may have an inclination to study research education, and about international trade and law; have religious faith. Whilst your Sun Sign describes qualities you are learning to develop and become, your Moon describes who you already are. So the Cancer ascendant borns will study research and in foreign countries; may have secret illegal affairs; have the ability to find new and novel things and may research in religious matters; they may have to live in foreign countries. Your email address will not be published. One of the things that many students of astrology miss assessing are the actions that one is supposed to take in life. Astrology is not so easy to understand and it's not that difficult to master. With Cancer rising you may need to learn to be more direct. All content on this website is copyrighted. It is easy for you to unconsciously take on your parents expectations, as you want to be obedient and conform to the family structure. Since Aries is owned by Mars, the ruler of houses 5th & 10th to Cancer, the Cancer ascendant born will shine in the fields of politics and films. produce goods of artistic values, become farmers, masons, cleaners and carpenters and work in the fields of glassware, woods and trees, vehicles, electricity, water tanks, fertilizers, boilers, agricultural fields, farms, fruit gardens and godowns. Mars, the lord of Dhanishta star is also the lord of houses 5th & 10th to Cancer. They may borrow through secret plans, re-pay loans by availing fresh loans, withdraw their capitals and investments, regain lost goods, will be sued by the divorcee or partner and face break-evens in income and expenditure. whereas Principles are high on fiery sign like Aries, Leo, Sagittarius. is in the seventh house to CANCER /KARKA Lagna. Notes: Following are the effects for the natal ascendant in Saptamsa or seventh division. This house is ruled by Mercury, the lord of houses 3, Since Mercury is the lord of this sign which is the lord of houses 3, The Cancer ascendant borns may invent micro instruments through secret research, may work in the fields of secret notes, documents, accounts, income-expenditure statements, agreements, adulteration, photographs, marketing and sales. He is patient and has the tendency to accomplish most difficult works as well. It's no longer predictive science. The existence of Ketu in the ninth house would keep the Ketu filled with positive energy. Such a person is advised to eliminate the negative shades of hi character. Aries, the first sign of Kaalpurusha is the 10th house to Cancer. Firstly, please read your analysis in the D-1 chart. Trust your feelings and learn to decipher between what is real information and what is just an emotional response. So the Cancer ascendant borns will always be selfish and greedy after money. Moon :- represents our mind, emotional feelings, mother, motherly nourishment, homely environment, comfort zone. Venus is the lord of houses 4th & 11th to Cancer. Gemini is ruled by MERCURYhence MERCURY will be the lord of this house. Capricorn is an earth sign and Rahu is an airy planet. They may become advocates, judges, head masters, dieticians and workers in schools, colleges, law and research centres. Since Pisces is ruled by Jupiter, the lord of houses 6th & 9th to Cancer, the Cancer ascendant borns may be identified in the fields of law, religion and finance. Venus gets into pushkara navamsha in cancer when it is placed in 1st and 3rd navamsha that is when venus is placed betwewn 0 to 3.20 degrees and 6.40 to 10 degrees. Thus, the native should always be prepared to deal with changing circumstances. SINCE the 3rd house falls in the star of Hastha, ruled by Moon, which is the lord of ascendantendant, the Cancer ascendant borns are quick in their communication skills; write with excellent imagination, write entertaining stories and excel in rendering commentaries. Since Leo is a fiery sign, the Cancer ascendant borns are spendthrifts and could save only a tiny part of their income. As a result, such a nativ end up having a huge group of friends and social circle. So the Cancer ascendant borns will develop their skills of materialistic knowledge into wisdom of god and will become an expert in various kinds of arts. They will win contracts in the fields of arts, gain name and fame through arts, change the field of arts, become teachers and hold honorary posts in the fields of arts and culture, change the forms of arts through research, have love affairs with artists, import artistic goods, run centres of music, arts, culture, religion and astrology, priests in religious centres, nationalize trusts, research clownery enter into agreements with foreigners, collect temple taxes, run trusts to maintain temples, member of the village panchayat board, to become a jury or a judge in the court of law and to maintain ancient memorials etc. 695. SINCE the ascendantendant falls in the star of Aslesha, owned by Mercury, the lord of houses 3rd & 12th to Cancer, the Cancer ascendant borns will be fond of frequent changes, fast and quick in actions, sharp, intelligent, excel in education especially in mathematics, sufficient imagination to write stories and songs, would not be inclined to reside in any one place and talented in business dealings. They are more interested in secret notes, letters and correspondence. (ii) gain success only through struggles, stay in lodges, work for societies, gain success on litigations of societies, get a servant of personal choice, have fortunes and fortunate opportunities of employment, make professional achievements, will be fortunate to taste food of personal choice and will have the capacity to diagnose diseases correctly. Hence the Cancer ascendant borns will have affectionate spouses with belief in moral values. They may make their elder brothers/ friends into enemies. The sign Canceris ruled by Moon: The Ascendantendant significations of Moon are: Calm in appearance, quick in actions, confusions, static, actions that are not continuous, excessive water content in the body, thoughts, avoiding responsibilities, accepting things, dependent on others, not conscious about status. Venus Ruling Navamsa Ascendant: One born in a Navamsa of Venus (Taurus or Libra) will have downward looking eyes, soft hair, attractive form, neck resembling a conch (i.e. So the Cancer borns will have spouses or partners with shorter lives, get financial assistance from others, have the ability to speak for profits through banks, purchase gold arid valuables with the assistance of others, get costly goods as gifts, will act to assist, work for more than what others actually expect and will be affectionate towards others. 685. The natives will be very spiritual, cultured, and well-behaved. This positivity will help natives to fight against all odds. but, if from moon and sun also, saturn happens to be the lord of difficult houses, of course, by the first stated dictum, sani dasa will be difficult. Learn how the houses of your chart influence your Sun sign,, Find out how your Sun Sign reveals your greatest strengths,, Meet your Moon Sign the other major influence in terms of who you are,, How do you think and process information? This can be a major cause of stress and upset mind as well. He understands others sentiments easily. When Mercury occupies the 2 nd house Libra for Virgo Ascendant, it gives excellent communication skills, interests in Arts, music etc. This house is ruled by Mercury, the lord of houses 3rd & 12th to Cancer. The Cancer ascendant borns tend to record their thoughts; they tend to have independent thoughts and do as they wish. He possesses a restless mind, which keeps most of his time occupied analyzing the situations of life. SINCE the 4th house falls in the star of Chitra, ruled by Mars, the Cancer ascendant born may own agricultural farms, poultries, chemical and fertilizer machinery and industries etc. My website: http://www.astrologykrs.commy Clothing line: consultation- Raaj, This video is hosted by Kapiel Raaj. Gemini is a common and airv sign; so the Cancer ascendant borns may face difficulties in their investments and may like to spend money on long-journeys. Cancer is a water sign and when Rahu is placed in a water sign, it makes the native highly emotional and caring. The native pursues his chore business diligently and earns wealth. The Sun is exalted. This will determine the nature and physical apprearence of the native and how he/she carries themselves in the world. This astrology channel is like a encyclopedia of astrology. Since Jupiter is the lord of houses 6th & 9th to Cancer, the Cancer ascendant borns will run centres for competitive examinations or research laboratories, produce food, medicine and medical goods, will do tailoring, arrange for medical camps, raise loans on properties, let houses for rent, will be purchasers, own inns, lodges and win tenders. be appreciated in journals and magazines for their artistic performances, publish books on arts, work in advertising agencies, study fine arts which requires imagination and intelligence, enter into agreements for artistic performances, change the orders of transfer and excel in arts of imagination. Scorpio the 8th house of Kaalpurusha is the 5th house to Cancer.Hence the Cancer ascendant borns will have to face reversions, dejections or disrespect in the fields of arts, culture, sports or in gambling. So the Cancer ascendant borns will, show discipline in social service, have social relations with government officials and their social institutions will be recognised by government; have illegal affairs with younger sister of wife, may marry twice and may enter into second partnerships. In his conjunction with the moon & Rahu; the moon is dominating because of the watery sign of cancer & Kendra house placement. SINCEthe 5th house falls in the star of Jyeshta, ruled by Mercury. , to seize, to behave immorally; will be cheated, will live in bad surroundings and will be put into disrespect. Love is one word that is linked to their personality and whenever you are near a Cancerian, you'll always find love. Ascendant has moved 3 signs from Cancer to Virgo. Saturn too is in his own sign Capricorn. So the Cancer ascendant borns will get into various kinds of troubles due to their greedy nature. You may have been dutiful as a child, shy and overly aware of the emotional undercurrents within your home. They will also suffer from swellings, growths and burning sensations. Notes: The Moon is not referred to here. In astrology, the Moon embodies what is considered to be the unconscious or subconscious self, our emotions and reactions, instincts, childhood memories, and . The native with the Venus, Mars and Rahu Conjunction in Vedic Astrology, is very obsessive passion and lust within the native, almost to the point of being a stalker.
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