Easy-to-digest video clips. Coming into the autumn, the Conservatives appeared to have suffered no adverse polling impacts from either their proposed rise in national insurance, or the autumn fuel shortages. A Y You can also SUBSCRIBE TO OUR NEWSLETTER . It was a survey of more than 1,700 British adults. Company number: SC669393. Stay informed. The use of this format has been criticised by pro-independence politicians. Ben Walker is a senior data journalist at the New Statesman and writes extensively about elections and UK public opinion. The Japanese midfielder was handed the February Player of the Month award. Latest news on Scottish Opinion Polls, including political opinion polls, voting intention polls, and opinion poll analysis. The poll, commissioned by WalesOnline has found support for the Tories in Wales now sits at just 19%. Opinion polling on Scottish independence is continually being carried out by various organisations to gauge public attitudes to independence. Data collected at regular intervals about or relating to Voting Intention, tracking changes over time. That's according to a new YouGov poll commissioned by WalesOnline to mark St David's Day 2023. . And while 33 per cent said the UK Government was wrong to have blocked the bill, 50 per cent said it was right or within its rights to do so. Crucially for the Union, the SNP would be some distance off a majority share if the election was to be regarded as a 'de facto' referendum on independence, as Nicola Sturgeon has suggested. This feed updates continuously 24/7 so check back regularly. Non-standard question: Instead of the 2014 referendum question, respondents were asked "On a scale of 0 to 10 where 0 means 'I completely oppose Scotland becoming an independent country' and 10 means 'I completely support Scotland becoming an independent country' what number would you consider yourself to be?". If you'd like to find out more about how polls work, how reliable they are and how to make sense of them, check out my book, Polling UnPacked: the History, Uses and Abuses of Political Opinion Polls, or sign up for my weekly email: Four in ten Scottish voters want Nicola Sturgeon to resign, new poll suggests, Four in 10 Scots think Sturgeon should stand down, poll finds, Nicola Sturgeon opinion poll finds more than three-quarters of Scots think she should go, First Minister of Scotland: Runners and riders. However amidst mounting pressure on Boris Johnsons position in late June, and the drawn out nature of his resignation in early July, the Labour party once extended their lead over the Conservatives in the polls. They do not factor in the potential for further additional regional or constituency centric swings. tax was introduced a year early in Scotland by the UK government. By the second half of 2020, in November 2020, the Yes campaign reached a record level of 56% in the polls. You can unsubscribe whenever you want. By clicking 'Sign in and Subscribe' you agree to us subscribing you to our newsletter in accordance with our Privacy Policy and Legal Notice.Emails, which may be sent daily or less frequently, may include marketing elements. Week-in-Review: Covid sleaze is back and more politically potent than ever, Former Conservative party chairman: Sue Gray appointment proves Starmer is man of the establishment. As always you can unsubscribe at any time. Topic . Sturgeon Still Scotland's Most Popular Politician Despite 12% Margin Against Independence, Lesley Riddoch: A Nordic solution to Scotlands invisibility within the UK, Tories could be reduced to third UK party, shock opinion poll warns, Nicola Sturgeon responds to popularity rating drop amid trans prisoner row. Savanta ComRes said that the poll result "should not be treated as a headline Savanta ComRes voting intention". Please ensure your password has at least 8 characters, an uppercase and a lowercase letter, and a number or symbol. At the heart of our company is a global online community, where millions of people and thousands of political, cultural and commercial organizations engage in a continuous conversation about their beliefs, behaviours and brands. The latest YouGov/Times vote intention poll shows the Labour party on 54% of the vote, up nine points on their previous record high with YouGov on Monday. All Rights Reserved. Our current polling average is based on polls by Savanta ComRes (fieldwork completed May 4). conservative party Labour Party To donate or subscribe to The London Economic, click here. Notable recent election polls Copyright 2023 YouGov PLC. The company, based in Drumchapel, has reportedly ceased all trading with its annual results currently overdue by more than two months. The historic oil recipe is based on what was used at the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II, the formula of which has been used for hundreds of years. Copyright 2023 YouGov PLC. In the case of Wales, Politics.co.uk has drawn on the most recent YouGov poll produced on 27 February. For Labour and the Lib Dems parties which also supported the legislation and oppose Westminsters intervention the figures are 13 per cent and 14 per cent respectively., The Times poll, conducted by Panelbase, reported on 11 Feb 2023. Something went wrong, please try again later. Our mission is to hold the powerful to account. We are sorry, but the email address you entered does not appear to be valid. Since you are here, we wanted to ask for your help. % 28 45 9 4 1 3 7 2 Con Lab Lib Dem SNP Excluding those who declare themselves to be undecided (currently around 6% of the electorate), polling averages from February 2023. places the Yes side at 47.1% and the No side at 52.9%. Opinion polling on Scottish independence is continually being carried out by various organisations to gauge public attitudes to independence. If you can afford to contribute a small donation to the site it will help us to continue our work in the best interests of the public. This Conservative poll lead coincided with the unusual event of a governing party winning a seat from the Opposition, as occurred in the May 2021 Hartlepool by-election. YouGov: 24 Apr 2020 - 27 Apr 2020: 1,095: 25: 15: 6 : 2: 51; Panelbase/Wings Over Scotland: 01 May 2020 - 05 May 2020: 1,086: 26: 17: 5 : 2: 50; Panelbase/Scot Goes Pop: We will not share your email address with any third parties. The YouGov polling for The Times also suggests widespread public dissatisfaction with the government's economic plan. Polling for the Welsh parliament election is less extensive than what is available in Scotland. Access the latest polls, survey results and articles . Politics.co.uks current Westminster projections are also drawn through an aggregate extrapolation of the data on election polls. In the early part of 2023, Labour had started to increase its polling lead again and was once again approaching 50% in the polls. In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, one in which the Scottish government took responsibility for the handling of the virus in Scotland, there were signs of sustained backing for Scottish independence for the first time. At the heart of our company is a global online community, where millions of people and thousands of political, cultural and commercial organizations engage in a continuous conversation about their beliefs, behaviours and brands. Copyright 2023 YouGov PLC. With plans for the establishment of a Scottish parliament in Holyrood by the Blair government in the late 1990s, support for Scottish independence rose once again. The exclusive poll, by Savanta ComRes for The Scotsman, has support for Yes at its lowest level since just before the 2019 general election, which saw Boris Johnson's Conservative party earn an . Critics pointed out that the survey contained many in the 24 to 49-year-old age bracket. Respondents giving answers between 0 to 4 and 6 to 10 have been mapped to No and Yes here respectively, while respondents giving 5 or "don't know" as answer have been assigned as undecided. , in which Scotland voted to remain in the EU. YouGov poll, reported in the Telegraph on 31 Jan 2023Full results, The Times poll, conducted by YouGov, reported on 21 Jan 2023, Wings Over Scotland/The Times poll, conducted by Panelbase, reported on 19 Dec 2022: Why do SNP voters hate women?, The Times poll, conducted by Panelbase, reported on 17 Dec 2022, The Times poll, reported on 16 Oct 2022Full results. Savanta (23 February) which placed Labour on 45%, the Conservatives on 31%, and the Liberal Democrats on 9%. Sponsors of pro-Obi opinion polls creating grounds for post-election violence. Former prime minister Boris Johnson, net zero secretary Grant Shapps, and transport secretary Mark Harper, are amongst some of the leading political figures who would lose their seats to Labour. Given that the parliamentary results in Wales and Scotland are influenced by the existence of a fourth major party (Plaid and the SNP), Politics.co.uk has undertaken separate analysis for swings in Welsh and Scottish constituencies. The former SNP Westminster leader claimed he had not spoken to Nicola Sturgeon and Peter Murrell about the Police Scotland probe into the party's 'missing' 600k. Former Conservative party chairman: Sue Gray appointment proves Starmer is man of the establishment. The above analysis of general election polls has been calculated through linear average equation modelling of the latest UK opinion polls of Westminster voting intention. Indeed Conservative support appeared to have grown slightly after Rishi Sunaks October 2021 budget. excludes 16 and 17 year-olds and did not ascertain likelihood to vote. Britain Elects. Analysis pieces written by YouGovs data journalists based on data collected about or relating to Scottish independence. Support for the SNP, for Nicola Sturgeon and for Scottish independence has fallen sharply as the partys crisis over transgender rights deepens. The new offer will see teachers getting a 12.3% increase by April 2023, and it will rise to 14% by 2024. According to YouGov's latest poll of Welsh voters, the Tories are set to be left with just two MPs in the country after the next general election. Where does the public really stand on womens rights and proposals to reform the Gender Recognition Act? A YouGov poll in March of last year found that 55% backed keeping the monarchy . Britain Elects. The figures show the Conservatives on 25% of the vote (+1 from our previous survey on 1-2 November) to Labour's 48% (-2). For Women Scotland, conducted by Panelbase, reported in the Times, 18 Dec 2021Data, MurrayBlackburnMackenzie, conducted by Survation, Nov 2021Report I Data. The State of Nationalism in Scotland, detailed the previous responses from this survey by grouping options one and two as "independence", options three and four as "devolution" and option five as "No Parliament". Please check you have typed it correctly. In late February 2022, and prior to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, there were some tentative signs that the Conservative position had recovered slightly from its early 2022 lows. In the latest YouGov voting intention poll, the Conservatives have closed their gap with Labour to just four points. Which party will you vote for? What has happened to the once-great British Airways? The latest YouGov/Times voting intention poll, conducted following Kwasi Kwarteng's 'mini-Budget'shows the Tories have taken a severe hit following the poor reception to the Growth Plan. Scotland should remain part of the UK without an elected parliament. Latest YouGov poll suggests many voters in Scotland have dismissed warnings about the economic impacts of a yes vote YouGov's opinion poll for the Sunday Times suggests the yes. When Johnson announced his resignation on July 7, 2022, YouGov polling showed Labour on 40% and the Tories on 29% an 11 point lead. Yahoo News / YouGov polls . Energy & utilities. Scotlands Political Landscape After Nicola Sturgeon? The figures show the Conservatives on 25% of the vote (+1 from our previous survey on 1-2 November) to Labour's 48% (-2). That lead then jumped to a staggering 24% in the three weeks after former chancellor Kwarsi Kwartengs mini budget and prior to Liz Truss resignation. Polling conducted before the 2014 Scottish independence referendum can be found here. Excludes 16 and 17 year-olds. In terms of translating these election poll findings into a projected make up of the current House of Commons, Politics.co.uk has used the Butler method to calculate the current swing between the parties compared to the 2019 General Election. There is a wide variety of timeframes used on this topic. The latest YouGov poll, of 1,088 voters in Scotland from January 23 to January 26, found that Sturgeons approval rating had slipped into negative territory, from +7 to -4, since October. In early November 2021, the furore over the resignation of the Conservative MP Owen Patterson saw the trend Conservative vote share fall by a further 3%. First Minister of Scotland: Runners and Riders. The latest Panelbase survey for The Sunday Time shows those aged 16 to 35 back independence by 62 per cent, compared to 48 per cent for Scottish voters as a whole. Last updated Nov 16, 2022 View all Trackers (4) Support for creation of a new English Parliament along the lines of the existing Scottish Parliament politics Surveys Data collected from extensive surveys and snap polls about or relating to Scottish independence. A majority of Scots back same-sex marriage, according to the most detailed survey of public opinion since MSPs began moves to change the law. It remains to be seen how support for independence will pan out now Rishi Sunak has become prime minister, King Charles III has succeeded Elizabeth II, and as Nicola Sturgeon steps down as first minister. The dates for these opinion polls range from the 2014 Scottish independence referendum to the present day. The figures show the Conservatives on 28% of the vote (-4 from our previous survey on 21-23 September) to Labour's 45% (+5) this is the highest Labour lead YouGov has ever recorded. Between January 2015 and December 2022 over 230 polls have been published and recorded in the main table. View our Privacy PolicyandTerms & Conditions, TheLondonEconomic.com Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle. The poll was conducted for The Sunday Times over the past week as a review for the Scottish Prison Service found that the process of admitting transgender people to prisons should be improved in the wake of the Isla Bryson case. With Labour improving its polling position in Scotand, the party would now gain 12 seats off the SNP in Scotland, albeit the SNP would mitigate those losses slightly by gaining three seats from the Conservatives and one from the Lib Dems. Related: Fear and Loathing in the New Conservatives. The leader of the SNP has insisted her party was "not divided". Data collected from extensive surveys and snap polls about or relating to Scottish independence. Scottish Independence Poll Methodology: The above analysis of support for Scottish independence draws from the published polls of a number of leading firms: YouGov, Survation, ComRes, Redfield and Wilton, Panelbase, Detlapoll, Opinium and IpsosMori. Latest Westminster voting intention (14-15 Feb)Con: 22% (-2 from 8-9 Feb)Lab: 50% (+3)Lib Dem: 9% (-1)Reform UK: 7% (+1)Green: 6% (=)SNP: 4% (=)https://t.co/WMc2U2wZbs pic.twitter.com/NZ9QZygUG7.
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