But statistically they were not very significant. C. Rajagopalachari was another tall brahmin leader whom EVR envied. And vote bank. Politicising of tamil language began with the unveiling of statues on the Marina beach. Despite EVR losing to Sathyamurthy within the Congress, EVRs followers many decades later had their last hateful laugh when surreptiously they removed his name from Sathyamurthy reservoir in Poondi which was conceived by Satyamurthy to supply water to Chennai city. A mass campaign has started in Tamil Nadu to remove all fake news and claims related to Periyar from text No, UNESCO did not confer any award on Hinduphobic Periyar aka EVR; Fake image of EVR being a social reformer built by Dravida Kazhagam stands demolished His weapon was hate and like Adolf Hitler didnt think twice that he could hurt innocent people. As he played gross games with his wife and succeeded, so he preserved with them in public life too. Either Rajinikanth spoke without thinking it through. He hated the concept of chaste women, thought children inessential for a married couple and assumed an agreement between couple was far better and brought in the idea of self respect marriage as rational. Furnel, Inc. has been successfully implementing this policy through honesty, integrity, and continuous improvement. / Soon, roads were renamed, portraits unveiled, housing colonies were to be named after politicians in Tamilnadu. The award to Hugo Chvez is an affront to the founding vision of UNESCO and the latest blow to the UN's rapidly declining reputation on human rights and democracy. Certain parts of this website require Javascript to work. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. It is hilarious that many Dalit parties and Communists claim that EVR toiled for them. Then again, they were not alone. If you find a snake and a brahmin kill the brahmin first Is quoted in verdict of india by Ms. Nicolas. Periyar quoted that Nicolas quoted like that. However, this seems confused in hindsight. EVR was against higher education as he felt cheap labour would become unavailable then. Does someone have any link proving it or stating that it is a folklore. He was forcibly married to a very pious girl with that fond typical South Indian belief that marriage cures all kinds of vagabounds and eccentric young men. The dam became a reality nine years later. Stalin, urging him to draw maximum quantum of water from the dam through the tunnel so that a large volume release would be avoided altogether. On an average, 22 thousand million cubic feet (tmc ft) of water is diverted, irrigating about 2.20 lakh acres and meeting the drinking water requirements of people in the region. They lost ability to discern under the rule of rationalists. Irony is that the superstitious idols of ancient temples of backward superstitious Hindus continue to be stolen and traded across the world for millions and possibly billions of dollars. Fact remains that while all the hate theories of EVR were meticulously followed by his blind followers, none of his good ideals were followed even as chutney. What is Brahminism? for questions such as these, my reply is Brahminism came from Brahmins and hence it is the Brahmins who should be annihilated. Web+44 (0)7540 787812 frances@constructionandbuildingphotography.com. Rajinikanth's most famous filmy 'punch' dialogue, from the iconic movie Baasha, goes something like this: Politics and cinema in Tamil Nadu have historically blurry boundaries. EVR desired a free, no holds barred, condition free exciting life. The seeds of antibrahmanism were finding roots in EVRs mind because of the challenges posed by Brahmins in his personal and physical life. They call me a subterfuger and that is ironic because such hiding, twisting, manipulative skills were the key characters of most of Congress claims on India since her formation in 1885 as an elitist club and as a joint venture with Colonial British to seek jobs from the rulers. The national landscape is verdant. Nor the suppression by the Thevar community of scheduled communities objected to. The story so far: Coinciding with an episode of erratic, cataclysmic rain in Keralas high-ranges, the (Tamil Brahmans: The Making of a Middle Class, Fuller and Narasimhan, 2014, appendix). Their piousness and personal discipline irritated problem child EVR and he revolted. Congress were Voluntary slaves of the British who crowned themselves as Saviours of India. Deputy CM O Panneerselvam can never be seen without the holy ash and vermilion on his forehead. Whenever rat sized opinions and ideas existed, huge euphoria erupts and few months or years later, the bubble bursts. construction of the Mullaperiyar dam across the Periyar in the present Idukki district. Periyars atheism was crude and obnoxious. In the event of a dam failure, it would result in unfathomable human tragedy and submitted a case for decommissioning the dam, in whose place a new dam could be built to cater to Tamil Nadu's water needs. Here are 10 facts which every Indian should know about EVR. The elements under this can be divided as contempt for arranged marriages, distrust in love marriages, belief in self respect marriages, stand against child marriages and support for widow remarriages, property rights of daughters in parental property, his contempt for extravagant pompous weddings and dowry, demand for educational rights and support for the concept of an independent woman. He accepted the Constitution written by the Brahmins and signed on the dotted lines. His parents were pious, morally upright and hereditarily wealthy. I see Adi Sankara as the last great mind India saw as he could influence with his Advaitha concept and limit Buddhism in India. Particularly when UNESCO is about to give out a prize in honor of an abusive, corrupt leader from West Africa whose record resembles that of Kim Jong-il. Skip to content Bringing science & development together through news & analysis in an earlier meeting on August 31, 1959: There is no doubt that in the late 19th century and early 20th century, Brahmins dominated the educational scene in the state. In November that year, a tripartite meeting chaired by the then chairman of the Central Water Commission (CWC), K.C. Honestly can't remember. EVR called Idols as lifeless stones and called out those beliefs of honouring and worshipping them as crass and superstitious. This number increased to around 14,000 in 1936. Which brings us to the real question. That was biggest bullshit by Dravida Sanghis of Tamilnadu! Thiru Brahmma [ https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2988850788016481&id=10000674 What he spoke and what he did in real life were often contrary. WebOn 9 July, 1949, a 70-year-old Periyar, E V Ramasamy, married the 32-year-old Maniammai. dwelled on such grave issues as whether Sita slept with Valmiki. However, this seems confused in hindsight. The movie was partly funded by the Tamil Nadu government according to Wikipedia. British ignored him as a non entity. No Tamil publication except the Thuglak published it. Unfortunately, Periyar and his disciples could not look at the problem from this perspective. The national intellectual landscape is verdant. Was he the profound reformer who transformed society as claimed by his followers and propagandists? French Revolution was a singular example. And in the end, it may not be his ideology, but his name on the ballot sheet that could swing votes. As long as the ones who follow Manu dharma exist, the nation will never have discipline, integrity, honesty and justice. Baker, 1976, p. 46). But they weren't just garlanded with chappals, they were also beaten with them. More importantly, as a rationalist one can be argumentative thereby giving the impression of an intelligent person. The aftermath of hate based rebellions had left always conditions worse than it were. WebErode Venkatappa Ramasamy (17 September 1879 24 December 1973), revered as Periyar [a] or Thanthai [b] Periyar, was an Indian social activist and politician who started Effigies and posters of Vishnu, Shiva, Parvathi, Ayyappa and other smaller Gods were paraded naked, and shown having sexual communion. Leaks and leaching are also concerning, as the methods and materials used during construction are considered outdated, compared to the current building standards, it said. EV Ramaswamy's hatred towards the Hindu religion and his open slander of gods in his magazines Kudiarasu and Dravidan are well-known. The Dutch loot - Part Two of European colonialism, EVR Periyar: A checkup on facts & propaganda. By the mid-1990s, Tamil Nadu started demanding restoration of the level. The Jews are only interested in themselves, and nobody else. The Hindu Explains Tokenism was the key mantra. At Furnel, Inc. we understand that your projects deserve significant time and dedication to meet our highest standard of quality and commitment. And when a counter arrives, instantly it invites high decibel names and abuses. As a result Dravidian politics became Statues driven resulting in Statues crazy Sychophantic anticulture. He quoted a report that appeared on Outlook in 2017, which had done the same thing. Newcomer to the Congress, EVR tried to impress the Congress party about his eligibility but he was not accepted as his knowledge of English was almost zero. I am not able to find any thing proving it. The then CM, Karunanidhi, apparently was ready to stake his government to provide the state Funeral and said that Gandhiji was also provided accorded Funeral despite holding no constitutional positions. If you are already a registered user of The Hindu and logged in, you may continue to engage with our articles. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Government money was misused by DMK party to carry imaginary claims as movies came to be considered real in the stunted brains of Tamils. They knew that even if they gave him 25%, not even three or four percent of qualified people would be available [among the Dalits]. Thomas, decided that the level had to be brought down from the full reservoir level of 152 feet to 136 feet to enable Tamil Nadu, which owns and maintains it, to carry out dam strengthening works. Supreme Court last week considered a public interest litigation petition filed by a Kerala physician and two former local body representatives on the Though his love for science was childlike, he did not have the intellectual rigour to understand what the scientific enterprise was all about. Massive landslides had devastated the hilly regions in central Kerala and weather prediction was ominous when the courts attention was drawn to a report prepared by the United Nations University-Institute for Water, Environment and Health, which cited significant structural flaws in the dam and said it may be at risk of failure. Periyar, : So long as democracy exists, the honest will have no other option except to fade away, giving the dishonest room to dance around. WebPeriyar E.V. He was a religious man and his songs often spoke of how he was chosen by god to lead the people to a better life. Distory Buster. She later stopped her temple visits. He once sent sent his close friends to ogle and tease his wife while she was on a visit to a temple and succeeded in impressing her later that going to temples was unsafe for her as temples are filled with rogues and mischief makers. The longer the period of impact, the more conceptual the idea conceived is deemed to be of the impacting mind. The incident he mentions, implicating Periyar of Hindu-hatred, is common knowledge, and not something he would have chanced upon recently. EVR, Annadurai, MGR and Gandhi statues were not far behind. Refused schooling after elementary level. Gowthaman, vol. EVR excercised selective hatred based on his personal experiences and remained and died as one. For the first time ever, Rajinikanth spoke against EV Ramaswamy at a public function. EVRs desire for instant stardom in Congress was not achieved because of Leaders like Sathyamurthy and some other Brahmins who ran the party. Tamilnadu challenged Keralas dam height law in Supreme court. None follow the few good things EVR propagated. Double speak, double games, hypocrisy marked all of EVRs actions but he continue to bank on the time tested weapon of #hate. Some thoughts are kept alive by artificial resuscitation following propaganda theories and methods. Naicker laid foundations to a confused self respect and rationalist(as he called himself..rationalising whatever he did) movement that emanated from his enormous personal frustrations. India has gone into the hands of scoundrels after the departure of the British., There is no doubt that Periyar genuinely wanted the Dalits to break out of the shackles of caste oppression but his approach was more paternalistic than what Gandhi was being accused of. Rajinikanth at the 50th anniversary function of Thuglak magazine. At Furnel, Inc. our goal is to find new ways to support our customers with innovative design concepts thus reducing costs and increasing product quality and reliability. This is compilation of a series of first hand reports. What he said in cooler moments rare though they were are also available. Attorney Advertising. The reason? As was usual with Dravidian politics, this focus and obsession of statues ironically began as an anti idol movement to reason out faith and beliefs of Hinduism to pamper to Islamic and Christian fundamentalists and as admiration of anything western. In 2017 he called supporting DMK (in 1996) a political accident. Maybe that's where I saw it. We are told that he was not against Brahmins but against Brahmanism. A temple has been built for atheist Karunanidhi near Gudiyatham by DMK cadre. However, Tamil Nadu, relying on the Supreme Courts two judgments, has been opposing any suggestion for lowering the level from 142 feet, apart from rejecting the idea of a new dam. Thank God none of them ever blessed the newly married couple that they should ever live life as they did. The people of India are barbarians. He believed that Hindi was an Aryan language and making it compulsory in education was an It was expanded in 1947 by the then-ruling Congress party, and when Periyar was busy demanding a separate Dravida Nadu. In 2001, about a hundred years later, around 4.3% of them resided in villages the figure would be 5.6% if the non-Tamil Brahmins were also added. But as Granville Austin writes in his seminal book, Working a Democratic Constitution (1999), After the Congress eclipsed the Justice party in the 1937 elections and later, it made compulsory discrimination very much its own policy even while led by Tamil Brahmins like [Chakravarti] Rajagopalachari.. Its height is 53.6m (176ft) and length 365.7m (1,200ft). When Brahmin Sathyamurthy led Congress entered the famous Madurai Meenakshi Temple with Dalits, EVR objected. UNESCO He accepted the Constitution written by the Brahmins and signed on the dotted lines. When India became independence, he boycotted the celebrations and called 15th of August, 1947, a day of mourning. Sometime before, I have read this about Periyar's funeral: Government of India / Chief secretary was against giving Periyar a state Funeral because he held no constitutional positions. All the stories are real life incidents and are verifiable. Colleges swarmed with them. Returning to his pet theory of hate of Brahmins, EVR conceived the Aryan invasion theory, Lemuria continent, Kumarikandam, etc to provide an intelligent scholastic interpretation to his thoughts. Furnel, Inc. is dedicated to providing our customers with the highest quality products and services in a timely manner at a competitive price. I have watched the movie. The population of the presidency of Madras (a.k.a. In 2001, about a hundred years later, around 4.3% of them resided in villages the figure would be 5.6% if the non-Tamil Brahmins were also added. Or, he spoke knowing fully well that his comments on Periyar would blow up. Another claim was that EVR stood for womens emancipation. They somehow contrive to have the rulers in their pocket, participate in governance and conspire to torture and suck the lives out of other citizens in order that they live (in comfort). These blatantly anti-semitic lines were penned on March 20, 1938, when Hitlers flag was flying high. Ideas that are inclusive of all of humanity are sustainable. Their land holdings dwindled to almost nothing as they had to sell them off to get higher quality education. Now it is known plainly as Poondi reservoir. If you were ever revolted by the plethora of roadside statues in India, then credit for this ever rising craze should go to that one man tsunami that brought about that infamous Statue Culture to EV Ramasamy Naicker known as Periyar to his followers. The effigies of Rama and Seetha were fully clothed. Nowhere did EVR or EVRs protges condemned the upper castes of Chettiars, Nayakars, Reddiars, Mudaliars, Gounders, etc and their domination in social sphere. A civilisation famous for love,openness and embrace of races was maimed openly under the name of revolution, by fast spinners of hate. The problem with Periyar was that he used his bludgeon only against the Brahmins while the oppressing classes belonged to a wider spectrum. The national intellectual landscape is verdant. At the same time, Periyar was also paranoid that democracy would result in Brahmins completely taking over the reins of the government. Nor has he dwelt on Dravidian ideology in any of his public speeches or films. Story #1 KBR worked in TVS group of companies at Madurai. His first child, a daughter was afflicted by polio and he thou. We offer full engineering support and work with the best and most updated software programs for design SolidWorks and Mastercam. When someone says he hates thievery, it means he hates the thief, too, doesnt it? Their flowers were less fragrant than the flowers of Tamil Nadu. There is an undeniable political ramification to anything the superstar says. Most of EVRs statue carry his message of No God. (Baker points out in his book that there were 10,237 students in first grade colleges in 1931; the number of available government posts carrying a salary of Rs 35 per month were 29,081. The water supplied from it through a tunnel to the water-scarce southern region of Tamil Nadu, especially the Vaigai basin, would be the lifeline for farmers of Theni, Dindigul, Madurai, Sivaganga and Ramanathapuram districts. Please enable Javascript and reload the page. Having experienced His miracles first hand, I went about on a search to know the other common lives that were blessed by our Sage but hitherto were never revealed in public. BR Ambedkar was the worst abused. They attributed exactly like Hitler did with the German Jews grand conspiracies and clever manipulations by Brahmins for the plight of the non-Brahmins.
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