Im not always that good at explaining things well. Julie Anne: They want pure milk easy to digest, soothing, warms their tummy, meets their needs, gives comfort, nourishes them and helps them grow. And later, mamas milkexactly what they need at the precise time they need it., Nick: Some, myself included, who spent years in controlling and abusive churches would say that to be infantilised is the last thing we need.. I inferred, from the context in which you placed it, that by child you meant someone innocent of knowledge, using the examples you gave as metaphors, since, of course, Jesus didnt tell us to believe in those things. I was taught for years that my salvation was only a happy side effect of Gods bringing glory to Himself- and after years of trying to rationalize how horrible things that happen are scripted for us by God- and after years of listening to systematic theology that seeks to cram all the unexplainable nature and mystery of God into a neat, cut and dried smugness with a pat answer to everything- I am like a kid in a candy store. The few times we have joined her at her church the pastor has focused on being examples of love and doing good in the community. LOLGod works in mysterious and wonderful ways! In any case, though, youre right. This contradictory appeal to both mystery and sound orthodoxy allows then to move the doctrinal yardstick back and forth on any whim or fancy because all they have to do is remind us all that there isnt any real way we can ever know for sure, so we might as well simply agree with them so as not to cause an unpleasant ruckus and create division or risk hurting feelings or whatever other obstacle to real debate they can think up. LOLGod works in mysterious and wonderful ways! By wrong, do you mean untrue? Why is Calvin even part of the discussion, period? Even if we say we agree in the fundamentals/indisputables Calvinism makes it clear, and both Jeffs have admitted, that there is no human agency capable of understanding truth fully. I am not saying that you or anyone else *shouldnt* feel that way that would be absurd. There are some big ones where I do not agree (for example, he is quite patriarchal, even though he doesnt make as big a deal about it as some of the more outspoken complementarians). Everything. I dont know that any of the venues get one closer to God than the others. External Leaders When members begin to question the fidelity of their pastor's teaching, they rarely (regrettably) go to their pastor. How do you know that this, in fact, is what the Bible did and is not what God IS like? They should not get to define theology that has been around much longer than them. It might not make people any more interested in Calvinism, but it just bothers me to see a doctrine rejected for the wrong reasons. Lewis, Alan Walker, Gregory Boyd, Denny Weaver, J. Burkholder, John Roth, Mark Thiessen, George McDonald, G.K. Chesterton, #5 JonC, Feb 9, 2018 Like x 1 JonC Moderator Moderator Joined: Aug 28, 2001 Messages: 29,185 I hear the word "gospel" placed in front of all primary and secondary issues. God sends rain on the just and the unjust. Yes, Nouthetic Counseling and a lot of teachers have given this impression, but they are wrong. But, if, during an online conversation about Calvinism, someone writes that the discussion is disturbing to him/her, certain questions arise beyond the obvious point that its wrong to attack that person: Should the conversation be halted? Inevitably, then, youll sometimes find restless young men who want to make a name for themselves (and who hasnt been there) (other than restless young women) will take the idea and make it a point of honour to run as far as they can with it. I dont want to convince anyone of a certain brand of Christianity. Ed was not so big on doctrine. However, because of this experience, I was soon led to Christ by a mainstream believer. Theology - Roger Olson, Jack Cottrell (restorationist inerrantist), Thomas Oden, Ergun Caner, Paige Patterson, Michael Brown Also, anything written by Satan Notthemama1984 Puritan Board Post-Graduate Nov 12, 2010 #7 I personally have no respect for Geisler. @ Jeff S: But maybe there is just too much pain and hurt for that to be possible. But I could not have thrown it were it not for my moment-by-moment dependence on the being and power of God. We can also agree that God is the author of evil doctrine is evil. I pretty much agree with everything JeffB says here. if man does NOT get to decided the level of his depravity (by knowing good from evil and choosing it) then God must decide FOR himwhich means, again, that not being as bad as you could be is irrelevant. (LogOut/ I dont want to convince anyone of a certain brand of Christianity. He once called Wesley an inconsistent Calvinist. I do hope when I sad that comment, I said illogical TO ME, as in general I hesitate to call other people views illogical. These tenets include, An emphasis on three foundational covenants: redemption, works, and grace An emphasis on the continuity between the Old and New Testament You wrote: Jeff [S], whether it was my misperceptions or real perceptions of the doctrine that you hold dear to your heart, someone trying to correct my faulty ideas of Calvinism isnt going to benefit me whatsoever if I am at the emotional/spiritual end of my rope. Because their first and most precious assumption is that truth is forever beyond any human agency. My bet would be that some (many?) Learn as I go, mistakes & big mess. And I will not say I could bebecause many of us understand that once we concede that men and women cannot know truth, then there is only one thing left to decide who gets to wield Gods authority on earth, because reason and logically reconcilable ideas have no place in truth: violence. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Or at least they start to think they have the powers and rights (divine?) Purity of Ideology, Dee. I err on the side of allowing too much now, just because the value of finally being able to have a voice is so huge! you'll occasionally see Calvinist doctrines pop up even among the occasional practitioner of any tradition. Unless I either stop believing what I think is true or shut up about it, it seems I will forever put in a box of this nonsense, unloving idea that God is the author of evil and we are mindless automatons. This is a list of lists of Christian theologians organized by denomination, century, nationality, and additional specialized categories. His interpretation of Christianity, advanced above all in his Institutio Christianae . I know that it started spontaneously on another thread, but you could have said enough.. I dont know. I liked that. Apparently Imade some remark that all infants who die go to heaven. And those who have been left behind when theyve fallen in between, On the altar of the simple road is the blood of the messy gray The ideas of bad and good are meaningless in Calvinist doctrine. To help clarify this, theologians for centuries have distinguished between primary and secondary causality. Turn the other cheek when your salvation gets called into question. Does there need to be a correction? Based on my experience, the experience of Oasis both of us who have had very difficult childhood abuse experiences and other stories Ive been reading, especially of teens abandoning their faith, having emotional breakdowns and even suicide, why do we need to focus on Calvins system? I myself am a man, and know all too well, the sins and short-comings of mankind. circles, and here are the things that were primary messages: 1) God predestines some for salvation, and some for hell. Of course, this is an attempt of a finite mind to describe the infinite, so it cant be perfectly accurate. Good point. And it seems the Neo-Cals operate the opposite way: they view everyone else from a Calvinist lens and themselves through an Arminian one. ), Maybe I need to be corrected here: I have made the assumption that meticulous sovereignty (God has ordained every word that leaves my mouth, for example) is a tenet of calvinism because I hear it preached and defended vociferously from the reformed camp.. God, help us to love. Association of Related Churches Or maybe a better example would be if someone said The practice of withholding baptism from infants is evil, Im sure people would rush to defend their position. Ultimately, they could be reading an interpretation of an interpretation, adding their own along the way. It bothered me a whole lot (and she and I talked about it via email), but it also crystallized some things for me. Im sorry about the experiences youve had with Calvinists. And thanks for your honest answers. It is counterproductive., I dont understand, then, why, on your blog, you allowed a Calvinism Free For All. I didnt notice any Calvinists telling people that God wanted you to be raped, or something like that. Reformed Theology, Rooted in the Bible. My husbands extended family are Calvinists, his lovely aunts family goes to a Reformed (Calvinist) church in an area considered a Bible Belt in Canada (these are very small geographic regions, unlike the US, where it spans states, it spans about a county), the church is large, evangelical and allows women in all church leadership positions. Regarding the 3rd view- well, I dont know if Ive stated this clearly before, but Ill give it a go just to be clear. Ill have to look that one up. Meyer 17. My humble opinionyet supported by scripture, is that the doctrines of unconditional election, limited atonement, and meticulous sovereignity (the last is not a pillar) villify and slander the name and character of Christ. Thinks youre cute. I am currently reading Roger Olson's book, Against Calvinism. And of course, that is just RC Sproul, though I do know this idea of primary and secondary causes has been around for a while and is not primarily a Calvinist idea. Ben Witherington III 24. 2) Everything that happens is scripted by God and is good for us. Thats why I wrote If we disagree, let us disagree on what we see in Scripture, not on our own sense of right and wrong.. But I do believe in TULIP and the majority of the WCF- what label should I use to communicate that when people are interested? Press J to jump to the feed. Vous tes ici : churro cart rental bay area; circuit courts are also known as; list of non calvinist theologians . I have been given books and literature from LOLGod works in mysterious and wonderful ways! Entropy setting in over time? I dont want to do either of those things, and I dont want to argue about it any more. The Literature of the Old Testament (1913) [Chapter9], Introduction to the New Testament (1915) [Chapter9],, Cultural Dimension of Language andLiterature, Gods Sovereignty in relation to Mans sinfulacts. They will tend to use hyperbole to make their point. Fine- no one is calling him out. God is bigger than us and is beyond our understanding except for some basics. Just happy to be able to trust that God really is good again. Pardon me if I show my bias toward breastfeeding and please indulge me a bit. Or to say it differently, I loosely hold to the idea that God is in control of every molecule. Actually Ive always thought of the hyper crowd in any area as the ones who want to get in your face and tell everyone how if they are not with them they are against them. I believe in Penal Substitutionary Atonement. Cheers you on. Ok, see I was looking at this in a totally different way. Of course you are. So, I disagree with your choice of word infantilised because in my example Im talking about giving someone hurting exactly what they need (emotionally/spiritually) at the precise time they need it just like breastmilk. 3680 / C (Canadian Dollars) Wilfred Laurier University (Waterloo Lutheran Seminary) Lutheran. Yes, God loves you. The Calvinistas act on a lot of things. Best Overall non calvinist systematic theology: This non calvinist systematic theology is the king of the hill. And as someone suggested, what is sometimes passed off as Calvinism is actually so-called hyper-Calvinism and my theological dictionary suggests its hard sometimes to tell the difference in some hyper-Calvinist writers. Does that make my stance clearer? He also read the Gospel of John for the first time, (it was given to him), while smoking pot. On some He will act directly; others He will be aware of and use for His purposes. , @ Hester: Likewise, Hester, likewise! Granted, some assume Total Depravity to mean human beings to be totally depraved. If I remain silent, then Piper gets to define what it means to be Reformed, even though he denies a lot of Reformed theology and veers into hyper-Calvinism at times. my reformed acquaintances pushing the calvinist pillars. The theology is weak. But this is not a problem of Calvinism only, its a problem that all who believe in an all powerful, good God have to contend with. Nope. I want to say here that I dont think that God takes pleasure in these events and I dont think that God forces people to sin, even in their thoughts. 1. John Piper (46:41) "This is the one you're all waiting for," Dever quips. It was you! Prayer Requests Please, please, please, keep us posted on your son in law. So thank you Jeff S. I have read John Pipers paper on why he believes what he does and have seen many debates both for and against Calvinism. This is also (imo) true for many, many people. (though in truth, I probably still get to read most of your comments from my lurking place, even though I rarely get to comment anymore). He/She needs to be able to clearly understand why it is damaging and to openly explain how he/she does not hold to those ideas, which have been so awful as to cause some among us to become suicidal. You will need to register to get access to all the features that our community has to offer. It is how Calvinism discusses those underlying ideas that causes existential damage and thus, pain. And what is an ocean but a multitude of single drops? Green 27. and can find no basis for a distinction between Calvinism and Hyper-Calvinism. It begins with me as a single drop in a vast ocean. TULIP was formed many years after Calvins death to counter five points made by followers of Arminius, though the concepts are in Calvins writings. Deb and are are well aware of the criticism we are receiving from some non-Calvinists because we feature sermons by Wade Burleson. JeffS we were writing at the same time. What content does your faith have?. It was you! I DO struggle that when a woman is raped, that God chose not to prevent it. Theres nothing wrong with pondering and wondering at the truths Jesus represents. A secondary cause is always subservient to the primary cause, which is God. The Calvinistas have just put a new spin on how to usurp Gods authority (the Holy Spirit) over the individual believer. (Also, it would mean that God forced people to sin, since some of our thoughts, words, and deeds, are sinful. I view myself as rescued by God and dependent on his grace. I really did exercise power when I tossed that piece of chalk; God did not throw it for me. As in I Got It Right! I find it troubling too. The correct understanding of any belief system shouldnt be of importance when Jesus says to come to him as a child. I am not saying that you or anyone else *shouldnt* feel that way that would be absurd. I sure love the practical side of things. My hubby got his first spiritual stirrings while watching a live performance of, Jesus Christ Superstar. I did not but I definitely got the immigrant part and am proud of m Russian heritage. This is an absolutely beautiful statement! Unfortunately, to some, that means I may not even be a Christian. And this is the crux of the problem. We are human, after all and I think all humans, from the beginning of time, have asked these questions, not just monotheists. Look for them. I DO think that Calvinism is misconstrued a lot by people in this position, but either way its not a good time or place to try and correct them. I often wonder how Sproul Sr. feels about the fact that his son has gone soooooo far off the theological rails. Often, along with inviting non-Calvinists to just "read the Bible," Calvinists like to type out longs lists of Bible quotes which the Calvinists thinks proves and defends the Calvinistic system of theology. Nope. Put more simply, I view others as if I were an Arminian and myself as if I were a Calvinist. 9Marks is another group which promotes the fact that they, the local church, get to decide who is saved and not saved. Ryrie, Rice, Wesley, WE Vine, Geisler, and RA Torrey come to mind as non-calvinists who I personally find thoughtful, sound theologians who happen to disagree with me on this very fine issue of theology. Jesus said to believe in him as a child. Wife (whose abusive first husband was one of the biggest drug dealers in the Midwest before she divorced him) was my Lamaze coach. The bullying was behind the scenes. Heal their parents broken hearts and lives? The theology is weak. Can God repair things? If I were there when a Calvinist or any other professing believer (or atheist or whatever) told someone who was suffering or grieving something that was sure to make the person feel worse, I can practically guarantee that I would shut that person up and have words with him/her. But disagreeing with someone is not the same thing. J. Vernon McGee 19. How one can be labeled an Arminian after a decade and a half as an SGM bobblehead is beyond me. Thanks for the clarification. Just want you to know that Im keeping your son-in-law in my prayers. I was blessed to be in some wonderful, intellectually stimulating churches. What you believe is irrelevant. In spite of the fact that Sproul and Piper have said such things, i still consider them Christians. The Calvinism Free-For-All (nearly 1,100 comments this morning) post definitely triggered me. I am currently reading Roger Olson's book, Against Calvinism. It is the place for me, but maybe not for you. Why did I smile? 5:11-14 (cf. (I mean, Star Trek?). It helped me to understand that both sides of this argument believe that their point of view is logical. When two sides have good arguments, it leads me to believe that there is a third or different way that encompasses both. I didn't quite understand the sin stuff. CALVIN! But I think you have said that you have never read The Institutes. Reformed theology celebrates the glory of God. Anyways, just to say, Calvinism is a much larger group than the current T4G/TGC and followers. "Eastview Christian Church pastor, Mike Baker, resigns after son, Caleb Baker, is fired from Central Christian Church for adultery" Why? I know of Hortons book and I shall read that after I finish Olson. Being able to truly believe that God predestined us for salvation, but never for damnation. Ive been lurking through out this discussion. He does not reject the Gospel, but he does reject predestination as presented by Calvin. And what is an ocean but a multitude of single drops? The WCF clearly states that God is not the author of sin. And its complicated by the same problem that David came up against (and I quote the Psalm not because Im trying to educated everyone but because it puts it so well): If an enemy were insulting me, I could endure it; if a foe were rising against me, I could hide. I guess Im not explaining myself very well here, because all this is not to say I think theology is a bad thing. This is a corollary to Julie Anne Smith's story above. From accuracy to portability, that #1 pick beat nearly every other model in our lineup for every metric. However, for thosewho believe that evangelical churches are theologically light, my church experiences would challenge their assumption. However, he presentedOlson as a man of good will. @wartwatch Not even the milk toast "We regret if anyone was offended"? 1911. If Ive erred here, please forgive me for speaking out of turn . I notedthat this man often appeared angry to me and blew him off, deciding he was dealing with something in his life. In fact, as Sproul describes what he sees as the sovereignty if God, his view is the latter- that God exercises his sovereignty by choosing what he allows and what he does not. There are definitely some clearly Calvinist ideas that I disagree with. It was populated by extremely insecure . And I get better at flying (so to speak). He, as I said previously, shows quotes by Calvinists during the video. He is noted for a broad view of what constitutes Protestant "orthodoxy." I used to have the same problem talking with, or debating Roman Catholics, online. What content does your faith have? That means you should be able to find other believers who view the faith as you do. This is simply human and not related to social faux pas. That Cals portray Cal in so many ways, even on the same points, adds another layer of confusion to the conversation for me. Probably originated with Calvinists during the Reformation Wars or their descendants the Puritans; as an answer to the question Am I One of The Elect? Using Im Rich! The person who said this will one day stand before God and have to explain why hepronouncedyou, a child of God who is now standing withthe throngs of heaven with a crown on your head, a non-Christian. This is the place where all the puzzle pieces do not fit for me, and I am OK with that. God does indeed work in mysterious and wonderful ways There was a reason we (the US) put in a Constitutional Amendment to term limit the president. They think they are helping and by knowing what they believe about Calvinism, it will be of comfort to them. 1) That article. There appears to be a loss of respect for those who are not Calvinist in their thinking. Calvinist believe in the total depravity of man while Arminians hold to an idea dubbed "partial depravity." Calvinism: Because of the Fall, man is totally depraved and dead in his sin. Hence the terrible attitude of many evangelicals towards science. I hadnt thought of it that way. Be prepared though, reading The Institutes is a difficult undertaking. But I dont think I have to pick. You have nothing to do with it. [deleted] 6 yr. ago. Does not a little yeast leaven the whole batch? Much longer than I had planned, so Ill stop here. John Calvin, French Jean Calvin or Jean Cauvin, (born July 10, 1509, Noyon, Picardy, Francedied May 27, 1564, Geneva, Switzerland), theologian and ecclesiastical statesman. (Mark 12:28-34, ESV). Pushing Calvin on a hurting individual is like pushing steak on an infant. If we cant really know the fundamentals, then, who are we to disagree with Calvinists on the secondaries? This way of thinking goes against what Calvin said about freewill, the Westminster Confession of Faith says about freewill, and what every Calvinist Ive ever met says about freewill. I understand that, and I certainly dont look down on you. Was your family Christian? Im concerned with the preoccupation of defending Calvin when someone is hurting. Hes already won me to his side. Written by Daniel Isaiah Joseph in Charts. They tend to carry on for a long time about it and end up calling people heretic (Ive seen this done on both sides of the debate though ) as the conversation ensues. . I have no problem with thatno one likes to be labeled. For example, I will admit that I do not see how a good, all powerful God can exist while evil also exists. B. Warfield said, "The Calvinist, in a word, is the man who sees God. With a long-dead Calvin as Cult Leader? I can know that such a rule/principle is wrong because Jesus said the two central commands are to love God above all and neighbor as self, and then he called the rest of the Bible, all the laws and principles to be an addendum to those central two laws. 1550-1616), who was not. Rather, it is a "revival" of sortsa revival of traditional, "old" Calvinism.The movement is sweeping through American evangelical churches of all denominations, attracting young people from Free Church, Episcopal, Independent, Presbyterian, and Baptist churches alike. I am thinking Ferengi with all of their Rules of Acquisition.. In that thread on JAs site, even when I tried to pull out, it felt like I was getting pulled back in. Thank you, thank you, for getting it right! He is also an ordained Baptist minister. Ive tried to suss out how God can create everything that exists and still give us free will, and I dont get that either; but because God is bigger and more powerful than me, I believe that he did. Recently, I had a Calvinist who knowns me say that i was not a Christian by very fact that I write this blog and call out some of the people that he admires. Oy. You should consider it though it is a pretty long video. by allowing them). He remarked that our theology was illogical. He is NOT against us, but thank God, He is for us!! God has chosen THEM as the sole recipients of His TRUTH. As a moderator at my blog, yes, Id shut it down and recommend that they take it to the Calvinism debate thread if they want to discuss it further. No. You are not a Cavinista. I don't get him and he doesn't get me but we can still try to love and respect one another.
List Of Non Calvinist Theologians, Ouija Board Baltimore, Articles L